Monday, December 20, 2010

The first post

It is long over due:  a blog about my love for food. 

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to eat.  It is hard for some to believe.  I am a small person, but I am constantly eating (it's all about portion size, people).  And for as long as I can remember, I have loved to eat anything and everything.  I consider myself an adventurous eater and the least picky eater I know.  I think that has to do with the food I grew up eating.

My dad's parents were Polish and Lithuanian.  Growing up, I remember him eating things that may not be so appetizing to others: livers, sauerkraut, all differnt types of sausages and shell fish.  Every Christmas Eve the Petrowski family eats a special Eastern European meal that was always prepared by my grandmother.  Since my grandma has passed away, the cooking of the meal has been passed down to the next generation.  The meal includes a beet soup, gefilte fish (Don't know what that is?  Thank fish meatloaf...sounds disgusting, tastes pretty delicious), sauerkraut with Polish mushrooms, fried fish and shrimp, white beans and the most amazing baked mac n' cheese.  No greens here--it's a meal that's heavy on the carbs and protein; each dish a different shade of the same color. 

At Christmas time, I always get pretty nostalgic thinking about this meal.  I really think it was each one of the ingredients that make up this family tradition that helped create my love for food.

So here's to my first blog!  Cheers and Happy Holidays!


  1. I look forward to reading about and taking part in your food adventures.

  2. Yay! Congrats on getting it started...

  3. this is great Lauren! We'll have lots to chat about the next time we get together!
